Sunday, June 21, 2020

What are the symptoms of corona virus and how can it prevent


The National Health Service of India has identified three symptoms of corona virus.

As soon as these symptoms are detected, you have to be alert and take all precautions, including seeking medical advice.
What are these three characteristics
Constant cough- This can cause a persistent cough, that is, you may have a persistent cough for an hour or more and at least thrice within 24 hours. But if you have a cough, it can also be a matter of concern.

Fever - Due to this virus, the body temperature can rise up to 37.8 degree Celsius due to which the person's body can become hot and feel cold.

In such a situation, if you or people you live with have any of these symptoms, then they should self-isolate themselves at home so that the infection does not reach others.

According to the American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), chills, tremors, pain in the muscles and sore throat can also be signs of coronation virus.

It is believed that it may take an average of five days for the corona virus to start showing symptoms, but in some people it may be shorter.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), it can take up to 14 days between the time the virus reaches the body and shows symptoms

How to protect yourself from corona virus?
To avoid corona virus ie 'Kovid 19', you wash your hands regularly with soap and water.

When someone infected with the corona virus coughs or sneezes, very fine particles of his spit are spread in the air. These particles contain viruses of the corona virus.

These viral particles can enter your body by way of breath when approaching an infected person.

If you touch a place where these particles have fallen and then touch your eye, nose or mouth with the same hand, then these particles reach your body.

In this case, using tissue while coughing and sneezing, not touching your face without washing your hands and avoiding contact with an infected person are extremely important to prevent the virus from spreading.

According to medical experts, face masks do not provide effective protection.

How deadly is the corona virus?
Compared to the statistics of corona virus infection, the number of people killed is extremely low. Although these figures cannot be completely trusted, if the data is to be believed, then the death rate due to infection can be only one to two percent.

A World Health Organization study based on information gathered about 56,000 infected people suggests that -

6% people became seriously ill due to this virus. These included lung failure, septic shock, organ failure and death risk.
Severe signs of infection were seen in 14 percent of the people. There were problems in breathing and problems like breathing quickly.
Minor signs of infection were seen in 80 percent of people, such as fever and cough. In many, pneumonia was also seen due to this.

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